Should parking restrictions in your area change?

Council is not proposing to change parking restrictions.
If you think they should change we’d like to hear from you.

Parking restrictions include:
  • Taxi ranks
  • Loading zones
  • Disable parking bays
  • Short term 15 minute parking

Leave a comment below.


  1. I have a question regarding proposed changes to parking on Pickett Street. Will visitors' permits still be issued to residents or will our visitors have to pay?

  2. This council has got to be joking, the main reason people don't go to Footscray anymore is because of paid parking. Why would anyone want more money added to their already expensive shopping bill, and our out of touch money hungry council wants to add more parking machines. Why don't parking machines get placed in the congested Yarriville shopping precinct? The answer to this must be that the Yarraville residents will kick up a fuss about them and the Maribyrnong council knows that the Footscray is an easy target due to it,s new Australian population that don't question local laws. It's about time this council tried to revive what was once the best precinct in Victoria rather than trying to fill in gaps in their budget.

  3. We believe that any pay parking in the proposed areas will only push people out to the non-restricted areas to park.

    Especially as current 2hr parking restricted areas are not maned by inspectors majority of the time - as a resident on Victoria Street we are contacting the Council constantly about non- resident cars parking all day in these 2hr zones and not being booked.

    Areas such as the other side of Victoria Street, Buckingham St, Errol St and Windsor St and further back are more residential and struggling with parking as it is. Also with approximately three proposed developments taking place in these areas with little or no parking allocated to the new tenants.

    We would only hope and will push for permit parking to be initiated in these more residential and family orientated areas.

  4. If you live on Pickett Street and have a valid parking permit and visitor permit then you and your visitors do not have to pay for parking in your street. The 1P or 2P restrictions in Pickett Street also do not apply to you or your visitors.

  5. Working in Nicholson St, we constantly have to move our cars every 2 hours. Because of the parking machines in the CBD we sometimes struggle to find parking and then return to work withing a limited time.

    What surprises me is the number of resident's permits parked on Nicholson and Donald St. Clearly they are not residents but have managed to get parking permits. - how is this possible.

    If machines are installed - will they be for unlimited parking or max of 2 hrs. The restrictions of the machines now that are 7 days per week is a joke. Even along the Yarra River parking over the weekend is free - but nothing is free in Footscray any longer.

    The council may see these parking changes as a fairer system to make more short term parking available. But there is no long term parking available to people in Nicholson St (Ballarat Rd end). Have a look around at Footscray - most of the people here now in the CBD work here - shoppers don't bother coming in to Footscray now that Forges has gone unless they are shopping for particular illegal substances.

    Pay parking of 1P and 2P are a joke for those that work in Footscray.

  6. Why would you pay to shop in Footscray when Altona gate,Braybrook,Sunshine and Highpoint shopping centres all have FREE parking.

    Resident of 20 yrs

  7. I hardly ever go to Footscray these days - it is dirty, doesn't feel safe and the shops are rubbish. People need reasons to want to go there - not more reasons not to go..... Try cleaning the place up, get better shops and work on improving the anti social behaviour and drug issues - then maybe people will come.....

  8. Just park where you want,I live in Turner cres in braybrook,outside my house are no standing signs outside my house,this dont worry anyone cars park there whenever they want too,i have complained to council but no one ever gets booked..
    resident of braybrook for 40 years.

  9. How will Council ensure that more people not wanting to pay for parking in Paisley or Pickett Street don't park illegally in the laneways alongside and behind our houses?

  10. It seems obvious by the above comments that most people are opposed to the idea. I agree most people who are trying to find parking are people who work in the area and the only free parking if fill before 8am and not in an monitored safe area. I think the council needs to be helping the workers not making it harder for us.

    On thie issue of disabled parking bays. I think the council should be looking at consistnecy with other local council. The hard issue for permit holders is that if every municipality has different rules, wen we visit the area how are we supposed to know each rule. It should be consistent across the state. Disabled parking bays should be at least double the normal parking bay time like other local councils in the western region have.

    I agree it is becoming a joke. Council may have taken the cameras down for double parkign in places like Nicholson street but now they have inspectors driving around taking photos and fining drivers. Most people assumed the fines for double parking had stopped. No council has just used a different tactic. Shame on the council for being so sneaky.

    The comment about Yarraville parking. The parking in yarraville is shocking. The parkign should only be on one side of the street in Anderson stree. It is so narrow and dangerous for cars trying to get through.

    OKay that's my two cents worth.

  11. I live in Bunbury Street and I would not want parking to be harder than already is-especially on footy days-go Doggies and I do understand footy support,the amount of buses there are some days,weekend shopping,etc;Whilst we are a friendly suburb please be considerate of the rate payers-who yes are lucky to have a home in today`s conditions of high homelessness,impossible new home ownership affordability,rental market,etc;however we didn`t win our homes through Tattslotto.


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